
Self Realization

It is hoped that with the help of spiritual disciplines, a person can rise to a higher level of self-realization. Once this paradigm shift is accomplished, his standard definitions of what he is and what belongs to him will expand to encompass  entire universe. He will feel that he has a greater responsibility to bear than simple care for himself and his family. As he continues his spiritual ascent, his sense of belonging will expand until, as if looking down from a great height. He will understand that he is one with all existence. Everything will seem to be under his care. Just as ones field of vision broadens as one climbs a hill, so will be his perspective upon self-realization. Bodily confines of egocentric I-ness will vanish from his sense of self.
This concept can be understood better with an analogy. The air in a balloon can be considered the limited sense of self. If more air is blown into it, the balloon bursts and the air inside the balloon returns to the air in the atmosphere. In the same fashion, the expansion of one’s identity ultimately will lead to the realization that it is connected with all creation. It was only the body or the balloon which was creating the illusion of an isolated existence. This is the vision of self-realization, and the basic tenet of spirituality. Once a person glimpses this truth, he can never go back to the limited sense of self. Who would like to leave a cool river to return to a desert where he would die of thirst?