
Believe me: You are Great

Friends! All of us must understand that we are all great souls and we have come to this world to achieve great things. Non of us is a mere body and all of us are great souls. We are immortal and hence, no one can harm us.
 We are neither lonely nor helpless. We are always accompanied by the all pervasive Ultimate even when we are in isolation. Even when we are in deep slumber, God is with us. Therefore, there is no need to feel lonely and scared. Our great eternal Father is providing life to us and He wishes to make us Great. Even if all the worldly powers conspire together to destroy us, they would never be able to even scratch us because we are under the protection and love of the Supreme Being. But, for this, the foremost condition that needs to be satisfied is total surrender to the Almighty.
Surrender doesn’t mean strengthening our self confidence which wards off all our suspicion and fears. It means that we merge our wishes in His and we become great ourselves.

Akhand Jyoti,
December 1949, pg.-11