आप भला तो जग भला

जीवन अनेकों समस्याओं के साथ उलझा हुआ है। उन उलझनों को सुलझाने में, प्रगति पथ पर उपस्थित रोड़ों को हटाने में बहुधा हमारी शक्ति का एक बहुत बड़ा भाग व्यतीत होता है, फिर भी कुछ ही समस्याओं का हल हो पाता है, अधिकांश तो उलझी ही रह जाती हैं। उस अपूर्णता का कारण यह है […]


Marriage is Blending of two lives!

Once there was a young newly married man. Even though his wife was very beautiful, he was not happy with her. Hence, he started getting dejected with his life. On a friend’s suggestion he went to a Saint and put forth his dilemma. He said, ” Sire! Despite my relentless efforts, I am unable to […]


Have faith in morals and principles

Most of us today tend to run after name, fame and money. But we fail to understand that before achieving these material success, we must first become responsible, dutiful and accountable and should learn to make appropriate and rational use of the available resources. A person’s internal mechanism (mental outlook) should be tuned in such a way that […]