The power of peaceful thought

Friends! As we see that toys made of plastic can easily be found everywhere but that made of gold are very rare. Similarly,Water, due to gravitational force falls down easily in case of  rain & water falls, whereas if water has to be lifted up we need a pump. In the same way, majority of us get easily persuaded towards malicious deeds and transgression whereas, a lot of resolved effort is needed to proceed towards a righteous path.
Wicked thoughts and bad resolves easily get access into our hearts and minds and along with them comes their destructive forces. Even Science has proved that selfish and offensive desires are very dangerous for human health. In fact they can be termed as acid due to their nature. Wherever they get refuge, they attract a whole lot of other unwarranted evils, corrupting our disposition and dissolving the very purpose of our existence. We must try and understand that our thoughts also possess the peculiar gravitational force just like Mother Earth. If we give home to pure and pristine thoughts, they shall attract good intent and shall multiply both in quantity and quality. And anyone who remains a dweller to malicious thoughts shall fall prey to fear, worry, anxiety and dejection resulting in ruined life.

The way we think and contemplate makes an impact on ourselves as well as all others who come in contact with us. Hence, we must shelter only peaceful thoughts in our mind. Doing this we automatically start engaging ourselves in such ventures which are most appropriate for us and where we can display our maximum talent. It is very much in our hands to change our attitude and intentions and once we undergo this transition, it becomes exceptionally easy for us to perform certain tasks.We have to be deeply involved and fully devoted towards our endeavors, otherwise numerous obstacles shall seem to hinder and obstruct success. And once we ponder over the matter with a peaceful mind and hunt for the causes of failure, we shall infer that it was only we, who were faltering. Because we were  just pretending to do  particular work, mind being oscillating all the time.

Anything done with optimal interest, full conviction and dedication makes us confident and successful. A peaceful probing makes our memory sharp and strengthens our senses. We must also minimize our wishes and desires in order to ward off any kind of fear, anxiety and doubts and approach confidently towards our goals.