
The Inherent Strength of Thoughts

The only  motivational force behind our deeds is our own thoughts and notions. And thoughts and deeds are strongly interlinked with each other.

The way a man thinks, always gets reflected in his disposition in the society. Over a period of time, he becomes exactly what he contemplates. Hence, we must ponder over what we want to achieve since a continuous contemplation attracts the intended thoughts. But care should be taken that our thoughts do not become harsh and terrible. Instead they must be humble and gentle as stated in our ‘SCRIPTURES’. And to make our thoughts gentle, we must adopt two divine merits: MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Until and unless we keep our heart full of mercy and acquire a sense of forgiveness, we cannot attain inner peace and happiness.

Man searches for material wealth through out his life to acquire & spend, least understanding the meaning of true wealth. We must understand that pure and truthful perceptions are the true wealth. Our considerations and presumptions possess the capability to ward off our doubts and solve our queries. When ever we become doubtful about anything, we must try to dive deep within ourselves  and reach at the right and honest solution. Our thoughts also hold the power to web favorable and congenial circumstances around us. But for this too, they have to be positive, wise and rational. Thus thoughts have the virtue of making us rise to name and fame or crumble to wrath and dust.

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