
Set the course of your life when there is time left

In Mahabharat Epic comes a Parikshit Chapter. The wise emperor knew that his end is near & instead of blaming others he chose to use his time very carefully. He surrendered to the Ultimate after understanding dawned in him. We may think that all those who know their end is drawing near, will, like wise utilize their time in seeking to realize the proximity of God & change their course of life. However, such a yearning can arise in the mind, only as a consequence of a favorable attainment of spiritual-merit(Punya) acquired in many lives; it can not arise all of a sudden.
Kamsa was the king of Mathura; when he knew that the allotted span of life is hastening to its finish, he put his sister & brother in law in a dungeon, started his killing spree while terrorizing people around.
Let us consider the vast difference between these two attitudes. They are known as Devatwa and Asuratwa, divine and demonic traits. Only those who are equipped with divine virtues have the eagerness to do good acts, and have good thoughts, faith in God, compassion towards all beings, truth, non-violence, love and contrition for swerving from the straight path. To them alone, thoughts of God and urges to do good & sanctitying deeds will emerge during their last days. So we should never wait for the end days. Instead take the steering wheel of life right on the day the knowledge dawns upon us. Probably the great ship Titanic could have been saved if the captain could set his course much earlier to avoid all those icebergs.