
Farming in our inner field

Friends! There is nothing under the Sun that is unreachable for us. All of us are rewarded with substantial and enough mental and physical capabilities that are needed to achieve the targets. But all these capabilities lie untapped within us in the form of seeds. All we have to do is provide suitable water and fertilizers to these seeds in order to let them develop into a strong trees of aspirations and firm determination. Now what can be the water and fertilizers for inner farming? Well, they are nothing but our own outlook and focus. We tend to become the way we think and contemplate. Hence, there is a dire need to focus and concentrate towards our objectives and execution of our pure and noble thoughts into action. All this leads to unmatched success and satisfaction.
So Friends, let us pledge not to indulge ourselves in hollow and insignificant notions and start believing in our boundless prowesses. We shall understand that our success or failure, progress or misfortune depends upon our very own efforts and actions.

Akhand Jyoti,
Oct. 1951, pg.-19