
Emotional Help-Call of the Era

Friends! Have we ever tried to find out, what are the reasons behind the prevalent sadness and discomforts all around us in the world? Well the causes are nothing but ignorance, transgressions, greed and selfishness amongst the people. Unless we discard all these vices we cannot imagine a peaceful life.  When we put soothing lotions & balms over the blisters caused due to blood infection, we get only temporary relief, but to cure the disease from the root we need to cleanse the blood.

 Therefore, it is very important to extend help to the mankind with pure and honest intention, emotionally and mentally. Although financial and physical help are worth OK and must be done from time to time,  but in order to ward off social evils like spats, corruption and sufferings we need to adopt a heartfelt approach towards our fellow beings. We must strive to uplift and upgrade the down sliding character of the society as a whole, and the morals which form the basis for our disposition and behavior amongst others.