आत्मनिरीक्षण कर कमजोरियाँ दूर करें

बुद्धिमत्ता, चतुरता, तत्परता, मधुरता और परिश्रमशीलता के सहारे मनुष्य उन्नति की ओर अग्रसर होता है। जिसमें ये गुण न हों, उसका सुख-साधन उपार्जित करने के लिए बहुत सफल हो पाना कठिन होता है। मूर्ख, मंदबुद्धि, फूहड़, आलसी, प्रमादी एवं कर्कश स्वभाव के लोगों की महत्त्वाकांक्षाएँ आमतौर से असफल ही रहती हैं। इन दुर्गुणों से बच […]


How to serve the ignorant

David Living Stone went to South Africa to serve the people of a very backward tribe. This tribe was so backward that it was called ‘Blind Well’. David went there with a threefold objective in mind, medical treatment, emotional help and social welfare. He also aimed at staying in this region forever and helping the […]


The Divine mother favors the dutiful sons

Once king Raghu performed a grand Yagna. The ritual of a yagya requires surrender of wealth to the needy. He donated everything he had to the needy.  Now an earthen pot to drink water and a small grass carpet were the only belongings he was left with. When Rishi Kautsa heard of the king’s charity, […]

सच्चा संतोष ही सबसे बड़ा धन है

निराश होना, चिड़चिड़ाना, चिंता करना, बड़बड़ाना, दूसरे की निंदा करना और अपना रोना रोते रहना, ये सब सड़े हुए विचार हैं, मन के रोग हैं। वे हमारे मस्तिष्क की दुर्दशा को प्रकट करते हैं। जो इस रोग से पीडि़त हों, उनको अपने विचार और व्यवहार का सुधार करना आवश्यक है।  यह बात ठीक है कि […]


Never be proud of your achievements

Once two cocks got engaged in a duel. Within minutes the young but stronger cock overpowered and defeated the weaker one. Bruised and tired the conquered cock vanished from the spot immediately. The winner perched himself on a high rock and started basking in the glory of his big victory. The spectators i.e. the hens […]


Taking Risk

Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile soil. The first seed said, “I want to grow! I want to send my roots … deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth’s crust above me … I want to unfurl my tender buds Like banners to announce the arrival […]



Spirituality and Materialism are both mutually related. One is incomplete without the other. The saint, even when living in a cave in the jungle, needs food, fire, clothes, bed, books, blanket, utensils, and many amenities without which it is difficult for him to survive. So, it must be understood that some materialism is being practiced […]


The great power of UNITY

It is said that one plus one is equal to two but if human beings love each other in true sense and are united with good intentions then one plus one becomes eleven. Their power increases many times when united. We have to adopt this process and form teams in different areas to spread goodness […]