The following extract dates back to the time when Delhi was ruled by the great king Naseeruddin. Naseeruddin was a very wise and humble ruler of Delhi. Whenever he got time, he stitched caps and sold them to make his living. He also made copies of the Holy Quran and distributed to people for a meagre amounts. He used to lead a simple life with whatever little he could earn by selling caps and copies of Quran. The queen herself used to cook all meals on her own. Once the queen happened to burn her hand while cooking. There were scary blisters all over the burnt skin. The queen started wailing in pain and cursed her fate. She said, ” I, the empress of such a big empire, still have to cook on my own.” She even complained to the King and demanded a helping hand. The King tended to the queen’s wounds delicately himself and replied, ” We indeed can hire a servant, provided I deviate from my morals and principles.” Solving the wise queen’s perplexity he further stated, ” This kingdom, the wealth, the fame – all belong to the citizens and I am nothing but a caretaker. If I utilise the public wealth for my personal benefit, it would be a crime.” Hearing this the queen’s eyes were filled with tears. She was forced to surrender before the King’s principles. Friends! We must accept the wealth that is earned through hard labor and honesty. We should consider the wealth and assets obtained by us due to our position as a liability because they actually belong to the society. We must always adhere to our principles irrespective of any physical discomforts and pains. Failing in these principles will enhance corruption in the society.