
CONDITION your MIND & show it in your ATTITUDE

Friends! We must understand that material things can never bring us absolute and long lasting peace. Neither can they enhance our intelligence nor knowledge. Our inner mind is full of sins and transgression, hence the nutritious diets we take and the supplements we most ignorantly pop in our mouths shall only prove detrimental to our spiritual progress. If we offer milk to poisonous serpents it only increases the quantity of venom already present in them. In the same way people with immoral character and bad intentions, only increase their vices by consuming such nutritive food and can do nothing for the betterment of the society.

The ones who are wise clearly understand, that until and unless they  conquer their own minds, they will become losers. It is never creditable to push down the already weak and fragile entities, while it is commendable to help them stand up.

Hence it is very essential to condition our mind & behavior. It is all the while important to harness our minds accordingly and adjust to the external circumstances and environment. Only this way we shall experience the inner peace and happiness feeling, a divine power within us.