What is cowardice? Well, cowardice is nothing but lack of realistic aspirations and strong determination. Coward people are always afraid of facing unforeseen circumstances. They often find themselves surrounded with suspicion, distrust and failure and are always seen despairing. They remain submerged in the filth of needless worries, sadness, terror and doubt. They go to […]
Month: May 2012
Man is God’s most excellent creation. God created man with greatest attention as well as with lots of hope. God cannot bear to see His creation being caught up in a miserable situation for very long. When someone entrusts his garden to a gardener, the gardener is actually supposed to take care, but should never […]
I remember DEATH every moment!
Long ago there was a great sage named Eknath in India. He was so good and so wise that many people came to meet him and take his advice on life. A very jealous money-lender with the name of Duryodhana was the only man who could not tolerate sage Eknath. He was asking people what […]
While working, our objectives seem to be far away and difficult to achieve; even the benefits accrued from our labor seem to be much delayed. Many of us tend to forget that such hard earned benefits out of our labor will give be long lasting contentment. In the journey towards achieving our goal, certain shortcuts […]
यदि मनुष्य अपनी पाशविक वृत्तियों पर नियंत्रण न करे, उन्हें यों ही उच्छृंखलतापूर्वक पनपने दे, तो उसकी स्थिति शरीरधारी नरपिशाच जैसी हो जाती है। सर्प को चाहे भूल में ही अनजाने में ही किसी ने छेड़ दिया है, पर वह अपने को थोड़ा सा आघात लगने मात्र से इतना क्रुद्ध एवं उत्तेजित हो जाता है […]
मनोदशा में आवश्यकता सुधार हुए बिना न तो शारीरिक स्थिति सुधरती है और न पारिवारिक व्यवस्था बनती है। आर्थिक प्रश्न भी बहुत कुछ इसी के ऊपर निर्भर है। मन एक प्रकार का प्रत्यक्ष कल्पवृक्ष है। उसके नीचे बैठकर हम जैसी भी कल्पनाएँ करते हैं, भावनाएँ रखते हैं, वैसी ही परिस्थितियाँ सामने आकर खड़ी हो जाती […]
Complement and Co-ordinate
Patience and endurance are very important for a long lasting relationship between husband and wife! Two different people are never born alike and therefore, one should never try to impose anything on his/her partner. Rather an honest effort should be made to adjust and co-ordinate with each other thereby making our lives enjoyable rather than […]
जिस विचारधारा में मनुष्य परिभ्रमण करता है, वैसा ही स्वयं बनने लगता है, जो आदर्श, सिद्धांत, लक्ष्य, श्रद्धापूर्वक अंत:भूमि में धारण किये जाते हैं, उनका एक साँचा तैयार हो जाता है। इस साँचे में गीली मिट्टïी की तरह मनुष्य ढलने लगता है और यदि कुछ समय लगातार, दृढ़ता एवं श्रद्धापूर्वक यह प्रयत्न जारी रहे, तो […]
Aristotle had a daughter, whose name was Peethia. Emperor Alexander was Aristotle’s desciple. One day the queens of Alexander came to the master’s place.There they asked the charming Peethia,”Which type of herbal face-mask may be used for making the face more and more beautiful?” To this Peethia replied,” A woman’s greatest beauty is — Modesty. […]
There was an illiterate jew. At a religious ceremony, when he saw everyone speaking the prayers, he also sat there and began to utter the alphabets of his mother tongue and prayed,” O God! I don’t know any Mantra(a mystic word), You do join these alphabets yourself and make one. I am your slave only. […]