Happiness does not depend upon material wealth. Rather, it depends upon true knowledge and self reformation. Whoever has changed his outlook through sufficient knowledge shall reap maximum benefits of being happy and satisfied. His financial unsoundness will not affect his internal and everlasting pleasures in any way. By imbibing knowledge one becomes capable of converting […]
Month: February 2012
हमारे अंदर अनेक दोष भरे पड़े हैं। वे सभी एक साथ नहीं छूट सकते। पैर में कई काँटे लग जाएँ, तो सब एक साथ नहीं निकल सकते। एक-एक करके ही उन्हें निकालना पड़ता है। जो काँटा अधिक कष्टकारक हो और जिसे निकालना अधिक आसान हो, पहले उसे ही निकालने का प्रयत्न करना बुद्धिमानी मानी जाएगी। […]
जो भी काम करो, उसे आदर्श, स्वच्छ, उत्कृष्ट, पूरा, खरा तथा शानदार करो। अपनी ईमानदारी और दिलचस्पी को पूरी तरह उसमें जोड़ दो, इस प्रकार किए हुए उत्कृष्ट कार्य ही तुम्हारे गौरव का सच्चा प्रतिष्ठापन कर सकने में समर्थ होंगे। अधूरे, अस्त-व्यस्त, फूहड़, निकम्मे, गंदे, नकली, मिलावटी, झूठे और कच्चे काम किसी भी मनुष्य का […]
Whoever gawks at and counts other people’s shortcomings is doing nothing but feeding and magnifying his own ego. Hence, he is maximizing anger, contempt and hatred in his behavior. He unnecessarily builds egoistic conceptions and prejudices about others and starts considering himself as the best. He turns a blind eye towards his own demerits and […]
Be prepared to face the adversities
Nobody can identify and tap his own potential and caliber unless he undergoes through tough and rigorous afflictions. A person himself is quite ignorant and unaware about his qualities. In order to expose his merits, he has to pass through adverse situations, only then can he account for his courage and firmness. It is very […]
Discard your Fear
Fear is not natural. Our nature never wants us to be afraid. In fact, we ourselves construct a base for useless worries and fears. It is very much in our power to make our mind shaky and timid or brave & fearless, dedicated and full of enthusiasm. “For us” and “against us” are nothing but […]